Tuesday, August 28, 2018

I commented on the following blogs:

Shana Thompson - https://csit155-f18-sthompson.blogspot.com/2018/08/week1a-my-template.html

Alexa Floren - https://alexaflorenfa18.blogspot.com/2018/08/week-one-1a.html?showComment=1535514888832#c8993063400125427439

Taylor Bantle - https://csit155-f18-tbantle.blogspot.com/2018/08/week1-my-template.html?showComment=1535515276592#c7240912966405891405

To anyone who is reading this, you should know that I have no idea how to use this website. I feel like I'm figuring it out slowly as I work on it more. Anyways, after flipping through a couple of the templates, I found this one. It has a cool sort of sleek design and my post will show up directly in the center.
I believe that since this blog will be used primarily for me to complete assignments, I don't need anything fancy where I can describe myself and develop a more personal blog. I feel as though if my comments and my posts are front and center, it would be ultimately more efficient and well designed for its purpose.
I had chosen a cool black and white design because I feel like that reflects my personality and it is easy to look at. As an employee at Vans, I always tell people to get black and white shoes because they go with everything.

Week 3 Part 2

Inner Decay https://innerdecay.com/ Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Facebook: July 10, Twitter: August 31, Instagram: September 10 I have ...